You, the player | A sailor lost at sea who found himself aboard this ghost ship. You're actively trying to find a way off the ship before you become the newest member of its crew. |
Sea Spirit Sisters | Protectors of the ship, they have a soft spot for lost souls, but a hatred for mankind. These spirits often present themselves as alluring mermaids, beautiful women, or young villainous girls. |
The Grand Douleur | An ancient ship forever roaming the seas. Feeding off the ghostly energy constantly surrounding it, the ship has gained a slight consciousness. It is very old and has seen many things. While it is saddened that it's decks are used to trap unknowing sailors, it also understands that it gains more consciousness with more ghosts that wander its halls. It will not actively try to harm living beings, but it will seize the moment if presented with an opportunity. |
Trapped ghosts | Lost sailors and families who fell victim to the ship. They're often willing to help folks who end up on the ship. |
Mischievous ghosts | Playful spirits who mean no harm, They just want to prank you. Sometimes, however, those pranks go too far... |
Fiendish ghosts | Ghosts who want your spirit to become a trapped |
The playfiled consists of 2 levels: The upper playfield is a stage dressed with augmented screen. Modes on this playfield tend to progress the game story. The lower (main) playfield is largly filled with supplimental modes. These modes include ghost modes, shops, multiballs, combos, end of ball bonus elements, and many many more things to do along side the primary story. At times, these extra elements will modify how some objects on the augmented playfield work. |
The Haunted Cruise leverages the power of the ARS platform's contemporary graphics and shading capibilites to seemlessly blend virtual spaces along side physical spaces. |
Electromagnetic Pinball Museum and Restoration 881 Main St, Pawtucket, RI 02860 The Haunted Cruise will always be at EMP unless it is at a show. Come and play any time! |
Tentative Show dates Texas Pinball Festival 2023 (pending legistics) Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show 2023 (pending legistics) Pintastic New Englad 2023 Chicago Expo 2023 Comic Con RI 2023 |